Infurma, International Portal for Furniture, Design and Lighting



11467 companies found.
Grupo SOMG is a Spanish manufacturer specialized in rest and sofa beds with more than 30 years of experience, employing more than 100 people and working with the main commercial operators of the sector in Spain, France and Portugal. Our articles, under our brands SOMISUR and GREMOCAR, have a strong presence and a high degree of recognition by the professionals of the furniture sector in the Spanish market. Our range of products includes a wide range of products covering all areas of rela...
C.G. Capelletti srl
Since 1861, the C.G. CAPELLETTI deals with the production and sale of furniture. Every single item is faithfully reproduced from antique pieces in the proportions, materials and finishes. Being directly responsible for all phases of production, from design to sale, the CG CAPELLETTI has the opportunity to enter the market not only unique reproductions, but also to fully satisfy customer needs, changing the details of each item according to his need. Having the opportunity to visit the company’s ...
SKS lighting
we are working since 1999....
Zeitraum Oekologische Moebel & Einrichtungen GmbH
From a restaurant in Sydney, an office in Paris, the university in Utrecht to a family-run café in Moscow – Our furniture feels right at home in the entire world. We are proud of our long-standing and friendly business relations with our trade partners and planners, who convey our message across cultures and incorporate our collection into the most diverse plans with skill and sensitivity....
Las Vegas Market
Discover the Extraordinary at Las Vegas Market Las Vegas Market sets the pace for what’s cool and cutting-edge, in a cross-category showcase that spans furniture, home decor and gift. Discover, Source & Renew in a First-Class Venue Las Vegas Market serves up an amenities-packed experience for buyers and interior designers, just like the dynamic city it calls home. In more than five million square feet of permanent and temporary exhibition space, find an always expanding roster of ...
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