Infurma, International Portal for Furniture, Design and Lighting



11467 companies found.
Bucalossi Nello Arreda srl
In Bucalossi Furnish was born 50 years ago in the heart of Tuscany, in a strong artistic vocation area, known in the world not only for its beautiful landscapes and culture layout lab report literary but also for the high craftsmanship and inventiveness of its inhabitants. Have we produce only unique environments where the classic shapes and the refinement of the decorations blend with the preciousness of the materials used. Starting from design through write coursework all production processe...
The Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX) provides its services to Spanish companies with the aim of promoting and facilitating its international projection. It has its own financial, material and human resources. The Institute deploys its activity in the following areas of action: - Design and execute commercial promotion programs in foreign markets. - Prepares and disseminates information on the supply of Spanish products, and on international markets. - Promotes the technical tra...
Grupo Mobiliario de Madrid
Since 1980 we have been manufacturing kitchen furniture in Cocinas Fergom, in this period of time we have developed a concept of kitchen furniture based on the experience of use, endorsed by our department of incident tracking and taking into account the technical contributions of our distributors We place special emphasis on the quality of the materials used and we rely on the technological study of all our suppliers, to offer day after day a better product to our customers. We have a wide ca...
Mobimex AG
In 1995, the first edition of ZOW was held in the East Westphalia region of Germany, the fair for suppliers to the furniture industry which, in that first edition, only registered 49 exhibitors and 1,400 professional visitors. Year after year, however, enthusiasm for this business to business event has not stopped growing ......
International Trade Exhibition of Office and Contract Furniture and Equipment Descripcion. ...
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